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RM 99.00


RM 99.00
The antioxidant juice that is tailored to help regulate body hormones and reduce free radicals in our body.

Our common body soreness and tiredness are normally a sign of our body cells being damaged by free radicals, which can lead to oxidation in our body and turn into chronic diseases.

With Acai King, the high antioxidants juice that are made of 11 high antioxidants berries, it can eliminate the free radicals damage inside our body and balance the hormones within our body.

Video Introduction:

?GMP and KKM certified?

?Help Improve hormones cycle?
(Help with regulating hormones) It is normal to have hormones imbalance these days, as in different stages of life we encounter different situations that will affect our hormones & late menstrual cycles, anxiety and fatigue and all these will lead to free radicals forming inside our body if we do not take the free radicals seriously, it could lead to serious mental & body disease such as diabetes, cancer and more.

That is why Acai King is formulated with high antioxidants to help relief the symptoms & regulate the hormones to prevent free radicals from attack our hormones and impacting the state of our body & mind. Using the Non-thermal extraction technology we are able to extract & preserve the high antioxidants nutrients of our carefully selected ingredients for Acai King such as Blueberries, Green tea & Raspberry, which prove to be contain high antioxidants for regulating body hormones and reduce free radicals.

?Help improve brain development?
(Help With Brain health) The brain uses plenty of oxygen due to its high metabolic activity. This allow the free radicals to attack the brain much easier compared to other areas of the body. When free radical attack brain cells it could results in memory loss and lack of concentration.

With all the high antioxidants berries combined especially, Acai Berry, making Acai King efficient in reducing the free radicals from attacking our brain to prevent Alzheimer. As well as improving the brain development. Moreover, the antioxidants is able to help children improve their focus & energy.

?Help reduce sore & tiredness?
(Help Improve body soreness & tiredness) Body soreness & tiredness is a symptoms of free radicals attacking our body. The irregular eating and lifestyle habits are the main reason that cause the formation of free radicals inside our body.

The 11 high antioxidants ingredients of Acai King help reduce the free radicals in our body which also help improve the energy of our body and reduce the body soreness and tiredness.
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