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RM 466.00


RM 466.00
Based on the philosophy of the golden triangle of health, our body must go through the process of detox, regulate and boost to restore the body's innate immunity.

That is why with this DRB set you will have the complete set of products to begin and help you improve the state of your mind and body in order to achieve the body's innate immunity.

?Detox With DO2?
Before we can rejuvenate, we must refresh to cleanse our body of harmful toxins – substances that cause negative health effects inside and outside our body.

Learn more about DO2 here -

?Regulate With Acai King?
The next step is to regulate, to restore our body to a better physical state, focusing on reducing the free radicals and regulating the hormones of our body.

Learn more about Acai King here -

?Boost With Seagold Liquid?
Finally it’s time to give our bodies a boost! Seagold Liquid are enriched with essential ingredients that provide positive health benefits and treating the discomfort issues.

The Golden Sea Cucumber was found to have the same medicinal properties as the ginseng herb. It provides the beneficial nutrient boost that needed for our body.

Learn more about Seagold Liquid here -
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